Personal Information
* Are you a current or former PSC employee?No - Not a current or former employee Yes - Current Employee Yes - Former Employee
If you were referred to us by one of our employees or a plant/customer contact, please specify below.
* Employee Referral – Enter the referral's name & PSC Workgroup. If not applicable, enter "N/A".
Plant/Customer Referral – Who?
If yes, list the employee’s name and relationship to you
* What are your minimum pay expectations per hour?
If yes – please provide additional details below regarding all such conviction(s): when convicted; type of offense (misdemeanor or felony); and nature of offense.
Educational information
* What is your highest level of education?No formal education Some high school High school diploma or equivalent Vocational/trade/technical school Some college College degree
Field of study and type of degree, if applicable
List any special training or skills (e.g., languages, machine operations, computer skills, etc.)
Employment History
Please give accurate and complete employment information. Start with your present or most recent employer, and go back at least five years or three most recent jobs. If you have not worked before, please put NA in the required fields below.
Company Name
Job Title
Job Responsibilities
Current/Final Rate of Pay
Average Hours Worked Per Week
Reason for leaving (or indicate if currently employed)
Company Name
Job Title
Job Responsibilities
Current/Final Rate of Pay
Average Hours Worked Per Week
Reason for leaving (or indicate if currently employed)
Company Name
Job Title
Job Responsibilities
Current/Final Rate of Pay
Average Hours Worked Per Week
Reason for leaving (or indicate if currently employed)
Company Name
Job Title
Job Responsibilities
Current/Final Rate of Pay
Average Hours Worked Per Week
Reason for leaving (or indicate if currently employed)
Supplemental Information
* Do you have a valid, unexpired Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card?Yes No No, but I have applied for a TWIC
Please list your branch of military, title/rank, job duties/experience, skills gained below.
Release Authorization
I certify that the information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If employed, any misstatement or omission of fact on this application may result in my dismissal.
I understand that completion of the application does not constitute an offer of employment and supersedes any agreements or understandings between the applicant and PSC Group. I further understand that PSC Group is an at will employer and that should an offer of employment be extended to and accepted by me that this offer of employment does not create a contractual obligation on the employer to continue to employ me in the future.
I hereby authorize my present and/or past employers to release all information regarding my employment. I further agree that I will not hold my present or former employers liable for any information released to PSC Group regarding my employment history.
* Signature
* Date